Burooj Institute

Online Quran Aur Ehsan Course


Allah says: “And if you were to count God’s favors, you would not be able to number them; most surely God is Forgiving, Merciful.” [Quran 16:18]

We often do not notice a blessing that we have until we lose that blessing or are threatened with its loss.
Allah has favoured us with the noble Qura’n as source of guidance. Hence it is our duty to show gratitude to Allah.
We should look at ourselves and the way we behave towards Allah’s blessings. Do we use them in obedience to His commands? Do we realize that Allah has a right over us in everything that He gives us? If we are blessed with wealth, the poor have a right in it. If we are blessed with health and strength, the weak and the infirm have a right in it. If we are blessed with knowledge, then those who are in want of knowledge have a right in it. For every ability that we are blessed with, those who are unable have some right in it.

To do so, Burooj Institute brings to you an intense Online course on:

(Qur’an ki taleem mein ahsaan kia ha?)


11am – 12pm

15 Days

Course Fee: FREE

26th March 2020

Quran Aur Ehsan WhatsApp Groups


Sheikh Abdul Hannan

Sheikh ul Hadith at Jamia-tus-Sattariyah | Hadith Instructor at Burooj Institute


  • Online
  • Highly interactive classroom environment

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